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Week1- Introduction to the unity software 

Screenshot 2020-01-30 at 10.03.16.png

We started off by importing a low poly environment into unity and playing around with different objects so we can understand the basics. 

I then used the move tool to place the rock into a different position , and used the colour palette to change its colour.

Rock different position

Screenshot 2020-01-30 at 10.22.37.png

Flowers green colour 

Screenshot 2020-01-30 at 10.50.07.png
Screenshot 2020-01-30 at 10.21.55.png

Using prefabs

We used premade objects to create our own environment

I tried to make a symmetrical kind of environment by placing the trees in all corners. Also I added a rock stump with a flower on top contrasting the scene.

Screenshot 2020-01-30 at 11.24.21.png
Screenshot 2020-01-30 at 11.23.45.png

W key- move E key - rotate and R key to scale 

week 2 : maya scene sculpting 

Screenshot 2020-02-06 at 11.26.37.png

Week 3: using alpha channel textures 

Screenshot 2020-02-13 at 10.43.09.png

week4 :Lighting 

lion light.jpg

week 5- 6: Assignment 1: CGI dimensions of practice 

Part 1: real time and pre- rendered  lighting 

I imported a table asset with a lamp into maya and experiment with the different types of light sources.

Annotation 2020-03-18 190636.png

The first type of light source I experimented with was an area light . 

For the area light to become more effective I had to increase the intensity and exposure 

table light blue .png
Annotation 2020-03-18 174309.png

The second type of light source I used was a directional light 

directional light done .png
directional light .png

part 2 : materials setup procedural environments 

moss ground.png

I used a moss ground as my asset to texture 

specular colour .png

I lessened the specular colour to make a dark texture to the moss

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Assignment 2: Materials and shading 

Part 1 texturing an oil barrel 

I am using maya as my chosen package to show my textured work on objects and for materials.

barrel base model .png

I created this base model of an oil barrel and then found this rusty old texture for the barrel. This texture was the right choice as I feel it has a contrast in colours and a number on it foe extra detail.

Annotation 2020-04-18 145632.png
Annotation 2020-04-18 160630.png

A new lambert phong was created and I clicked the box next to " colour" and scrolled to file name to select my oil barrel texture. I changed the phong to a sphere so it was easier to see and middle mouse clicked the  oil barrel material onto my object in maya so the texture was projected. 

Annotation 2020-04-18 163727.png

The UV editor is what I used next to perfect the texturing mapping of my barrel

. next to the number 75 on the barrel there is a sort of seam line and I  wanted to not make as visible , So i resized the uv using the transform tool.

Part 2 texturing the earth in maya 

earth Texture map image 

Bump map image 

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Specular map image 


Made a small sphere , then clicked on the hypershade and added a blinn material. After I clicked the checkered box next to colour and clicked file to bring the earth texture map image 

This video then shows the earth texture being applied and I then add a specular map to fix where the light shows on the sphere. 

I then placed a bump map texture onto the earth to make it more realistic. The countries are bumped and more detail is shown.

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Annotation 2020-04-30 015118.png
Annotation 2020-04-30 015020.png

These are the two final images alongside a final rendered image of the earth

Assignment 3 - personal development 

Attempt 1 

I have decided  to improve the lighting and rendering  of my desk scene with the lamp as in my first assignment all you could see was purple blue tints and my framing wasn't precise showing  the objects clearly 

Firstly , I did this by removing the reference geometry and the window I made in the scene and made a physical sky for better/more light to show light. 

Upon rendering the desk I noticed the lamp wasn't as visible so I lowered the weight of the base  and increased the metalness of it. 

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when rendering it , I also increased the gamma ray and exposure, thus giving the lamp a more chrome look 

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Final renders of first attempt 

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Annotation 2020-05-23 015717.png

Attempt 2 

I  then wanted to try rendering different colours properly , so I selected the  desk group in the attribute editor and assigned a new material making it a blue colour and the handles purple . I made sure the base weight and sepcular weight were both increased as well as the metalness.

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Final render of attempt 2 

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