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Week1 - proportions and anatomy of the skull 

week 2 - features: nose 

Screenshot 2020-02-03 at 15.50.31.png

Albert Einsteins nose is very fleshy and protrudes out. It is very large as-well. The tip of the nose clearly overlaps the side of the nose making it quite unique.

Within zbrush, I started off using a basic sphere and  created a nose. I learnt how to develop the features of the nose by adding nostrils on the underside and making the side of the nose by pointing it out more.  

Screenshot 2020-02-03 at 15.50.36.png

Owen Wilsons nose is quite slim and has a bumpy texture to it. his nose also sticks to the side a it showing an uneven line of symmetry.

Week 3- mouth: 

mouth screenshot .png
Screenshot 2020-02-03 at 15.47.52.png

Within photoshop we learnt about the different parts of the mouth and going into more detail by labelling the parts such as the mental crease and the marionette lines. We labelled this image as mouth features on the elderly are more visible.

week4 : ears 

Different types of ears of celebrities:


Kate Hudson has quite Portruding ears . The helix of the ears is quite large with a big antihelix.


Angelina jolie has elf like ears , which are quite small and not large. Her tragus and intertragic notch aren't big in size.

ears brush screenshot.png

Week 5- The eye :

This is a model of the eye I made in zbrush. I added an eyeball for extra effect aswell as a crease o the side of the eye , highlighting an elderly look.


Week 9: Fat anatomy 

Screenshot 2020-02-03 at 15.37.00.png

 Assessment:  creating a villian 

Villanous grin :

Mood Board of villain ideas: 




Assignment 2 - villain head sculpture 

head protrusions:


Face covers:


Front view - first design 

Screenshot 2020-02-03 at 15.44.24.png

Side view- first design 

Screenshot 2020-02-03 at 15.44.09.png

Improvement ideas :

  1. Add hair - fibre mesh 

  2. texturing

  3. develop chin- use claybuild up/ add beard maybe and define the neck

  4. smooth booleans 

  5. add eye ball add colour to it 

  6. smaller several scars, deeper scars, battle scars

I got the extrusions by firstly clicking live boolean . I then pressed "B" to activate brushes. Then pressing "I" on the keyboard several boolean brushes came up. Upon selecting the default brush "IMM Boolean" different types of shapes appeared. I clicked the one I want, then clicked split to unmasked points in subtotal tab so the brush can stick to the model.

I got them into position by clicking on subtool, then selecting the parts of the object highlighted in the box and using move, scale and rotate along the top of the canvas. I clicked the duplicate button to get the three extrusions along the top of the head. 

Reference video for booleans:

To create the scars I first  turned on (matt cap skin04 texture) and made sure that symmetry was turned on so I can get the scar on both . Secondly, I  created a new layer by clicking the box underneath the forward arrow in the Layer tab under sub-tool. I then started drawing scar using the mask tool  (ctrl+ left click). I then pressed it again to mask the whole face and used clay build up  negative brush (pressing alt) to dig into the scar. Next I inverted it and used clay build up around the edge of the scar. The smooth tool was then used to blend the scar into the skin.  Finally, I clicked the layer tab and adjusted the slider to change the strength of the scar.

Reference video for scars:

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Completed villain character and poses: 

final model .png

These are the final images of my model . I redefined the nose of the villain and smoothed out the neck and cheek bone area as well. I also made sure that the scars stand out so I made them deeper. Finally, I added the toy plastic material to the eye balls as well as poly paint colours to create the pupils. Another final change I made was adding hair to my villain but different colours such as silver and green 

sad expression .png
Screenshot 2020-02-03 at 15.38.45.png

My first pose is of sadness , which used action unit 1, 4 and 15. Within my image the eye brows  push quite deep into the skin and the mouth drops down showing the real unhappy side of this character. 

disgust expression .png

My second pose is disgust in which to make this  action unit 9, 15 and 16 was used. Although action unit 9 is  similar to action unit 1 , action unit 9 allows the eyebrows to move inwards rather than downwards. Action unit 15 then allowed me to move the nose up and in then 16 completed the disgust pose by making the lip drop down for extra effect 

Screenshot 2020-02-03 at 15.46.43.png
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